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Tips of the Week

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Tips of the Week

Tips of the Week

Last Updated 7/12/98

Notice: Back issues are still available from previous tips of the week. You can take a look at them in the Tips of the Week Index. Also, I know I've been behind on Tips of the Week for a while, and I'm sorry. I'm going to get back on track starting now.

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Also, I'm looking for a few possible writers for Tips of the Week. I can't pay you, but you'll get full credit for your work. If interested, drop me a line.

Grab Bag

The following are answers to quite a few questions somebody asked me.

Adam asks...

I am having trouble with abandoned buildings. How can I cope with them?....

Abandoned buildings can be caused by any number of things. Usually it means that your city's economy is beginning to weaken. There are several ways to combat this. First, take a look at the Demand Bar on the toolbar, it should have green, yellow, and blue bars sticking out of it. The bars that are going up are zones that need more space (i.e. you need to build more of it). Start by building some more of those.

That should help fix most of the problems. If you still have abandoned buildings, try building more police stations, fire stations, schools, etc.

...I am also having trouble with water distribution. Some houses have water while their next-door neighbors have no water. What should I do?...

Well, the first most-obvious solution is to build more water pumps in your city. Chances are very high that that will fix your problem. If it doesnt, it's possible that your city is in a drought season, and is just running low on water for the time being. Try building some water towers to help save water.

...ALSO this guy in the transportation department in the budget window keeps saying that I "have too many roads. Bulldoze some to save on maintenance"

It's a known fact that the transportation guy in SC2K doesnt know what he's talking about 75% of the time :-). Most of the time, you can safely ignore him. He probably looks at a ratio between the amount of roads and the amount of zones, which in a small city can make it look like you have too many roads.

I hope this helps!

by Robert Graessle (

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