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Education Services

School Picture
Schools: These will give your sims a better EQ (education quotient), a more talented workforce, and therefore, more industrial companies will move into your city.

Zone Size: 3 x 3 tiles
Maximum EQ to reach: 90 EQ
Age Level: 5-15 years
Land Value: 250,000
Power needed: 5 mw
Max Population Served: 15,000 (1,500 students-60 teachers)
Maintenance cost(annually): $25
Cost: $250

Picture of College
College: This will prepare your sims for the "challenges of tomorrow with the skills of today". It will give them a better EQ to pass on to their children.

Zone Size: 4 x 4 tiles
Maximum EQ to reach: 140 EQ
Age Level: 15-25
Land Value: 1,000,000
Power needed: 6.6 mw
Max Population Served: 50,000 (5,000 students-210 teachers)
Maintenance cost(annually): $100
Cost: $1,000

Picture of Library
Library: This helps keep the EQ's up and healthy when the Sims leave college. This is actually a necessity to any city or town.

Zone Size: 2 x 2 tiles
Maximum EQ to reach: None, keeps EQ's up at current level
Age Level: All
Land Value: 500,000
Power needed: 2 mw
Max Population Served: 20,000
Maintenance cost(annually): $0
Cost: $500

Picture of Museum
Museum: This assists the library to keep the EQ up, but less so. Not really needed, but it's neat to have.

Zone Size: 3 x 3 tiles
Maximum EQ to reach: None, keeps EQ's up at current level
Age Level: All
Land Value: 1,000,000
Power needed: 5 mw
Max Population Served: 40,000
Maintenance cost(annually): $0
Cost: $1,000

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