
SimCity 2000:
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SC2000 Rewards

Note: Arcologies and military bases are considered rewards too, but I think that is an entirely different subject. Therefore, go here for the Arcologies page. Go here for the military bases page.

Mayor's House: This provides more of an ego boost than anything, but it's useful to let you see your approval rating.

Population Goal: 2,000
Zone Size: 2 x 2 tiles
Power needed: 2 mw
Land Value: 0(booo!)


City Hall: This reward is very useful, because it allows you to analyze the land area. I noticed something: if you place it in a residential zone, the people move out quick. Why??

Zone Size: 3 x 3 tiles
Population Goal: 10,000
Power needed: 3.5 mw
Land Value: 0


Statue: A cool prize that lets your citizens great-grandchildren see you for what you were. Query window tells you how much bird poop it has on there. You earn this when your city becomes capital.

Zone Size: 1 tile
Population Goal: 30,000
Power needed: 0 mw
Land Value: 0


Braun Llama Dome: This reward is named after Jeff Braun, co-founder of Maxis (I'm pretty sure). It's also the coolest looking award (besides arcos).

Zone Size: 4 x 4 tiles
Population Goal: 90,000
Power needed: 2 mw
Land Value: 0


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