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SimCopter Cheats

This page will list all currently known cheat codes for SimCopter. If you know one that isn't on this list, e-mail them to me at

There is also a SimCopter cheat utility, CopterHex, written by Jerry Moore.

Cheater, cheater....

To use these codes, press and hold Control+Alt+X. Type the code in the box that comes up. You should then hear a strange *zing* sound, if you don't you messed up.
Cheat Code (Case-Sensitive) Description
Radioactivity Causes your helicopter to blow up.
Gort You get to see the guys in the UFO talking about you.
Shields up Invincibility - nothing can destroy or damage you or your copter.
Gas does grow on trees Unlimited fuel supply
superpowermultiply When you hold down the Shift key, your copter will go super fast.
Out for a Sunday drive Makes the camera follow a random car around the city. Type the code again to return to normal view.
The map, please Let's you see the map even when outside helicopter.
Been there, done that Gives you enough points to go to the next level in career mode.
There's no place like home Warps you back to the hangar while the chopper stays.
I love my helicopter Warps you back to the copter after last code.
Warp me to career:# Warps you to career level number: #
Give me bucks or give me death:$ Either gives you $ amount of money or ends the game
Stop and ask for directions Makes a TXT file map of the city in your hard drive root directory (C:\)
A megaphone in the hand is worth two in the bush Let's you use megaphone outside of helicopter.
PAMCAREYGOLDMAN Picture of the lead programmer's wife appears on all movie screens and billboards
Lights, camera, action! Start's the movies at the drive-ins.
I'm the CEO of McDonnell Douglas Enter this code, then go to the catalog screen. Press numbers 1-9 on the keyboard and the following helicopters will appear outside the hangar for free:
  1. Bell 206 JetRanger
  2. MD 500
  3. Apache
  4. Bell 212
  5. Schweizter 300
  6. Augusta A109
  7. Dauphin 2
  8. MD Explorer
  9. MD 520N

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